Lightning Impact test equipment device
Transformer testing equipment
GIS electrical switch circuit breaker test equipment
High-voltage arrester testing instruments
Ground Resistance testing equipment
Charged operating the equipment and other electrical instrumentation
AC-DC power supply test equipment (no PD test transformer)
Electrical insulation testing equipment
Secondary circuit protection device to test equipment
Transformers test and test equipment
Cable Fault testing equipment
Calibration equipment, the Senate table

     Lightning impulse voltage generator testing device

     Lightning impact of current generator testing
     device HRHGA

     Automatic lightning impact test measurement system

     Automatic control system lightning impact test

     Lightning impact of the peak voltage meter HRHG23

     Lightning impact peak Ammeter HRHG23A

     Lightning impulse voltage (current) system test
     equipment generator technology upgrading technology
     upgrading equipment

   HRFRC Impulse capacitor divider
     Quick test for DC Resistance (1 A-80A) HRZT(1A-80A)

     Transformer winding characteristics of deformation
     tester HRBRTC

     Electrical transformer of automatic comprehensive
     test-bed HRBT

     Automatic variable than the group Tester HRBZ

     Intelligent electrical parameters measuring
     instrument HRDC

     Intelligent Transformer empty load loss tester

     Transformer load loss and no-load capacity of
     Tester HRKFR

   HRRC变压器容量分析 测试仪
     Transformer capacity of Tester HRRC

     Transformers OLTC Tester HRBC

     Generator rotor impedance tester HRJZK

     Tripler power generator HRSFQ
Anti-jamming automatic dielectric loss tester HRWGS

     Automatic different frequency dielectric loss 
     tester HRYWGS

     Integration of sophisticated oil-loss volume
     resistivity Tester HRWGS-Y

   HRIJJ-80 全自动绝缘油介电强度测试仪
     Automatic insulating oil dielectric strength
     tester HRIJJ-80

   HR-2671 数字化绝缘电阻测试仪
     Digital insulation resistance tester HR-2671

     Measuring absorption ratio and polarization index
     insulation resistance tester HR-5/10kV

     Pointer insulation resistance tester HR-2.5/5kV

     Insulating oil filter vacuum HRZLY

     Insulation oil and gas chromatography analyzer
     High voltage switch dynamic characteristics test
     instrument HRGKC

Contacts (circuit) resistance tester HRHLY-100A

Vacuum switch vacuum tester HRZDC

Digital SF6 trace moisture tester HRDWS-IIC

     High-precision SF6 gas leak detectors HRLF-ID

High-precision SF6 gas discharge decomposition of
     analyzer HRSF

Mobile SF6 gas recovery inflatable device

     High-voltage power low-voltage switchgear test bed

   HRMJC SF6 智能密度继电器校验仪
SF6 intelligent density relay calibrator HRMJC

   HRPZH 高精度SF6气体质量分析综合测试仪
     SF6 gas HRPZH high-precision analysis of the
     quality  of the comprehensive test
MOA of Tester HRYBJ

     MOA DC-test parameters HRYBS-30kV

     Arrester discharge counter detector HRFJX

DC high-voltage generator HRZGF

Two-Qiankou ground resistance tester HRSQ

Clamp ground resistance tester E-2000

     Digital ground resistance tester HRDER-2571

     High-voltage transmission tower ground resistance
     tester HR

Geodetic network ground resistance tester HRWGR

Grounding resistance testing shake table ZC-8

Grounding Yin Xiaxian on-tester HRJDT

HRZJ3 Microcomputer-Typed Detector of Anti-
     distributed Capacitive Type Direct current
     DC High Voltage Generator HRZGF

Large current generator(Adjust the large current
     generator) HRBSQ

Insulated boots (gloves) pressure testing device

   HRVLF-30/50/80/1.1 0.1Hz超低频高压发生器
0.1Hz Very-Low-Frequency high voltage generator
     HRVLF-30/1.1 HRVLF-50 / 5 HRVLF-80/1.1

Figures partial discharge detector HRJFD-3A

     Figures at the scene of partial discharge detection
     system HRJFD

     PD ultrasound automatic positioning system HRJFD-2A

     Dry test transformer HRGTB

Inflatable (no PD) test transformer HRYDQ(W)

Multi-functional digital divider (intelligent
     digital high-pressure form) HRSGB

Series resonant frequency step-up device HRYDXB

Oil-immersed (no PD) test transformer HRYDJ(W)

Series control box (manual, electric,automatic)

     Series resonant frequency exchange of high-pressure
     test equipment pressure HRBFXZ

     Industrial Frequency Peak-Voltmeter HR24

   HRYDT 3C认证电器安规耐压试验仪
3C certification of the electrical pressure tester

     DC Large current generator(DC Adjust the large
     current generator) HRBSQ(JZ)
Automatic CT voltammetry of change than the
     Comprehensive test HRVAT-CT

Automatic CT / PT voltammetry of change than the
     Comprehensive test HRVAT-CT/PT

     Current Transformer site tester calibration device

Voltage transformer at the scene tester calibration
     device HRHGQY-H

   HRFHA PT二次负载在线测试仪
PT secondary load-line tester HRFHA

   HRYJB PT二次压降测试仪
PT secondary pressure tester HRYJB

Automatic transformer calibration device
     (laboratory) HRH-H

     Automatic transformer Test Bench (the scene)
     HRH-H (x)

Standards current transformer HRHL-A

Standard voltage transformer HRHJ-kV

Transformer load me HRFH

Smart transformer calibrator HRHEA

 Transformer calibrator seized the entire
     device HRHEJ

YJFH-HR Secondary voltage drop and secondary
     load-circuit tester

     HRCJDY-BZ Standard lightning impulse voltage pulse
     calibration test system devices

  HENZ3-HR Electronic Transformer Calibrator
      Automatic intelligent Calibration System
Comprehensive test instrument HRJBC relay

Computer relay tester HRWJC

(6-phase of voltage, 6-phase of current )
     Computer relay tester HRWJC-6

DC system fault tester HRZJ3

Three-phase, single-phase electronic phase
     shifters HRYX

Single-phase electronic thermal relay test-HRRJCD

Three-phase electronic thermal relay test-HRRJCS

More use of calibrator (Meter scene calibrator)

power differential relay test-HRCGB

   HRMJC SF6智能密度继电器检验仪
     SF6 intelligent density relay calibrator HRMJC

     Gas (gas) pressure release valve automatically
     relay tester HRLC--8/8QYG
Cable fault Tester (overhead) HRLGT (JK)

Cable fault Tester (buried) HRLGT (DM)

Communications cable fault tester HRLGT (TX)

The frequency line parameters Tester HRGXL

     Transmission line fault from the test instrument

     Detention center-sector high-voltage power grid
     to prevent warning device HRJWG-5

     The prison perimeter to prevent high-voltage
     power grid warning device HRJWG-10

     HRHG-CR lightning pulse voltage online monitoring of
     high-voltage impulse voltage divider
     Meter at the scene calibrator HRDS

Frequency signal generator HRGP

Phase of the frequent rate HRPX

Power harmonic Alarm HRDXB

Power harmonic meter HRDXC

Harmonic power (power quality) measurement
     analyzer HRDXC

Automatic capacitance bridge tester HRCQ

      HRJDT-604 voltage monitor recorder
     HREC-1 type of high pressure jer phase detectors

Wireless voltage nuclear phase-HREC-11

The exchange value of low-insulator charged
     detector HRWG-11

 Exchange string voltage distribution lines
     measuring table HRWG-12

Exchange string voltage distribution lines
     measuring table detector HRWG-15

Insulator insulation resistance tester HRWG-16

     High voltage-pressure Electroscope HREC-2

Single-phase, three-phase isolation transformer,
     rectifier transformers, isolation filter HRGB/HRGLB

 Series Electric columnar regulator / adjustable
     power supply HRTNZD(S)

      HRZD-2 type portable power box single-phase tests

      HRZD-3 type portable three-phase power box tests


    HENZ3-HR型电子式互感器校验仪内核采用双CPU架构,功能强,以24Bit AD芯片和512倍过采样技术大大扩展了带宽,提高了测量精度。同时,采用多档位自动切换和FIR滤波器提高动态范围和信噪比。使用LabView开发管理软件,界面美观,使用方便。电源和采样输入采取了大量的电磁兼容措施,能够适应复杂的现场测试环境。采用便携式设计方案,方便实验室和现场检测。

    HENZ3-HR型电子式互感器校验仪是我公司互感器研发中心研发生产的一款新型的电子式互感器校验仪,校验仪采用数据采集卡+工控机结构。数据采集卡采用高精度数据采集卡,配合 NI 公司的全新虚拟仪器界面设计软件 LabView,基于 WINDOWS 操作系统,软件界面友好,功能强。适用于电子互感器模拟输出和数字输出的校验和调试,可用于电子互感器基本准确度测试和复合误差测试,是一款综合功能的校验仪。本装置具有强大的软件分析功能,可以直观的显示波形和各种有效数据,并具有数据存储、离线分析等功能。


GB/T 20840-7《互感器第 7 部分:电子式电压互感器》
GB/T 20840-8《互感器第 8 部分:电子式电流互感器》

1 海拔高度不超过1500m
2 环境温度:-15~+55℃
3 空气相对湿度:≤90%
4 使用地点:户内/现场使用,可移动
5 必须设有一个可靠接地点,接地电阻<1Ω!
6 工作电源:AC 220V±10%,约800VA,电源电压的波形为实际正弦波。
7 电源频率:50/60 Hz。
8 无导电尘埃,无火灾及爆炸危险,不含有腐蚀金属和绝缘的气体存在。



1. 使用传统互感器校验装置(BHE型)和Agilent 3458A数字多用表实现量值传递。
2. 可使用内置的GPS或高稳定度的晶体输出脉冲同步信号。
3. 能对IEC61850(-9-1、-9-2、-9-2LE)的协议包进行全帧解析,自动分析ASDU个数,
4. 具有ST/SC双光纤以太网接口和双RJ45以太网接口,提高可靠性,
5. 阶准同步算法使得非同步采样的算法误差逼近于零。
6. 采用24Bit AD芯片和512倍过采样技术,大大扩展带宽提高精度。
7. 采用多档位自动切换和FIR滤波器提高动态范围和降低信噪比。
8. 实时显示波形、频率、幅度、相位等数据便于综合分析互感器性能。
9. 带有工控机,800*600触摸屏。更能方便操作。
10. 配有功能强,操作简便的操作软件,可运行于工控机或笔记本
11. 可统计比值差及相位差的均值、变差、极值、多次误差等数据,
12. 可进行多次谐波分析及对电子式互感器的各次谐波精度进行校验。
13. 可对测试过程全程录制及回放。
14. 可进行丢帧测试,实时的统计丢帧数。

1. 准确度等级:0.05级(比差误差:≤0.02%,相差误差:≤0.02°(即:角差< 2'))。
2. 通信协议和规约: IEC61850-9-1/ IEC61850-9-2/ IEC61850-9-2LE
3. 标准信号输入范围:
3) 小信号输入量程 150mV、200mV、225mV、4V、1.625V、1V、2V、3.25V、4V、6.5V
4. 精确度测量范围
电压(V):5%-120%Un (有效值 0.05%RD Un =100/√3V或100V)
电流(A):1%-120%In (有效值 0.05%RD In=1A 和 5A)
小信号输入:1V以上量程:1%-120%Un 0.05S级(用于检计量互感器 )
1V以下量程:100%~2000%Un 0.05%级(用于检保护互感器)
5. 谐波测试精度:比差 0.1%Uh 或 0.1%Ih 角差: 10分
6. AD采样精度:在额定量程幅度测量不确定度优于 0.01%
7. 小信号输出(选配,另外付费的功能)
输出电压: 0~ 7V
输出谐波: 2~ 40次
输出精度: 0.05~5V 0.05%RD
谐波精度: 0.05%
8. 输入回路功耗
输入电压回路功耗 < 0.2VA (100V、57.7V)
输入电流回路功耗 < 1VA (5A)
输入电流回路功耗 < 0.2VA (1A)
9. 以太网接口
SC光纤接口: 1个(多模光纤波长820nm~860nm)
ST光纤接口: 1个(多模光纤波长820nm~860nm)
RJ45 接口 2个
光信号工作波长为820nm~860nm,光纤用62.5/125 多模玻璃光纤接口。
10. 同步
光B码同步输入(秒脉冲和B码可配置 ) 1个
光B码同步输出(秒脉冲和B码可配置 ) 1个
11. 人机接口
显示: TFT液晶分辨率800*600
操作: 触摸屏操作,工控机有USB口,可连接USB的鼠标键盘。
12. 整机重量 ≤12.8kg
13. 供电电源电压220V±10%,50/60Hz
14. 外部空气温度(-15℃ ~ 55℃)
15. 最大相对湿度:<90%
  电子式互感器模拟输出校验系统的软件开发界面如图 4 所示,其软件功能和操作说明与数字量输出校验系统类似,设置相对简单。测试时,模拟信号通过面板上三芯航插UxA连接至被校测的互感器。  
      电子式互感器模拟输出校验系统 校验系统软件分三个功能界面,分别是误差检定、参数设置、通讯设置。电子式互感器校验仪的软件使用labview开发,界面简洁易用,设计时尽量减少了用户需要设置的环节。一般情况下用户几乎不用设置参数。这样方便用户在现场校验时提高效率。  
     电子式互感器模拟输出校验系统 校验系统软件满足能够实时显示被校测的互感器的比差和角差,以及电网系统的系统常规电气参数、标准互感器与被校测的互感器输出的实时数据及波形,并具有全自动测量、记录和自动存储功能,波形及数据的存储格式是可以依据自己的工作习惯和喜好选择多种方式进行保存的。  
HENZ3-HR Electronic Transformer Calibrator
Automatic intelligent Calibration System

  About this Device:  
  Digital (photovoltaic, electronic) transformer as an analog to the bridge of the world to the digital world, occupies a pivotal position in the digital substation, digital (photovoltaic, electronic) transformer that is the cornerstone of the digital substation, all digital are derived from it. Therefore, accurate precision and performance of digital (photovoltaic, electronic) transformer is very important. Our metering law all the measuring instruments must be the amount of the pass, which means that all measuring instruments must be able to realize the magnitude of antedating. Therefore, the practical application of digital (optoelectronic, electronic) transformer amount biography installation at the scene also need regular check, to verify the measurement accuracy and stability, as well as the standard protocol IEC61850 International Electrotechnical supported and the Statute of correctness.  
  HENZ3-HR electronic transformer calibrator kernel, has Dual CPU architecture, 24Bit AD chip and 512 times over-sampling techniques greatly expand the bandwidth, to improve the measurement accuracy. At the same time, the use of multi-gear automatic switching and FIR filter to improve the dynamic range and signal-to-noise ratio. Use the Labview development of management software, beautiful interface, easy to use. Power and sample input to take a large number of electromagnetic compatibility measures, to be able to adapt to the complex field test environment. With portable design, convenient laboratory and field testing.  
  The calibrator HENZ3-HR electronic transformer tester, is Researched and Developed in our R & D Center, produced by our company. This is a new electronic transformer calibrator calibrator using the data acquisition card + IPC structure. Using high-precision data acquisition card, data acquisition card with the new virtual instrument interface design software NI LabView, based on the WINDOWS operating system, the software interface is friendly, powerful. Apply to check and debug electronic transformer analog output and digital output can be used for electronic transformer basic accuracy of the test and the composite error test is a comprehensive function calibrator. This device has a powerful software analysis capabilities, intuitive display waveform and valid data, and data storage, offline analysis.  
  HENZ3-HR type electronic transformer digital output calibration system consists of: 1) a standard transformer 2) standard signal conversion apparatus, 3) standard A / D converter, 4) synchronizing signal generating means, 5) error calculating unit composition. HENZ3-HR-type electronic transformer calibrator instrument itself has 2) to 5) function, it also has analog output calibration function is a test electronic transformer digital output and analog output error Integrated Tester. Automatic intelligent tests or calibration equipment(Automatic intelligent electronic transformer test calibration system the industrial computer monitoring and control error management software and host the calibration test hardware configuration)。  
  Device reference implementation of the standards and specifications:
JJG313-94 "Measuring the current transformer rule".
JJG314-94 "Measuring the voltage transformer rule".
JJG169-93 "transformer calibrator rule.
GB / T 20840-7 "transformers - Part 7: Electronic Voltage Transformer.
GB / T 20840-8 "Transformers Part 8: Electronic current transformer.
IEC61850 "substation communication networks and systems."
DL/T668-1999 "measuring transformer testing device.
  Apparatus uses the operation environmental conditions:
This system unit to meet and dedicated to the voltage level of the digital (optoelectronic, electronic) transformer voltage (current) test detection and test verification tasks.
1. Altitude not exceed 1500m.
2. Ambient temperature: -15 ~ +55 ℃.
3. Air relative humidity: ≤ 90%.
4. Use Location: indoor / field use, removable.
5. Must have a reliable ground point grounding resistance <1Ω.
6. Working power: AC 220V ± 10%, about 800VA, as the actual sine wave supply
voltage waveform.
7. Power frequency: 50/60 Hz.
8. No conductive dust, no fire and explosion hazard exists does not corrode metal and
insulation-containing gas.
  Main Usage:
Meet IEC61850 the (-9-1 -9-2-9-2LE have been added) standard electronic transformers verify; electronic check electronic transformer polarity and delay; small signal output transformer check; parity of the merger of the small-signal input unit; 0.05 0 ~ 7V output two precision voltage signal, without l large voltage and high current can be; merger of small signal input unit school experience (extended precision standard source module); able to output a digital signal source (FT3 format), do not need to verify liter large voltage and high current can support the FT3 input merged unit. (Extended digital signal source module); electronic transformer output FT3 check (Extended FT3 conversion module); to traditional transformer parity (the extended analog signal conversion module).
  Main features:
HENZ3-HR electronic transformer calibrator for electronic transformer to meet IEC61850 (-9-1, -9-2,-9-2LE) standard output checksum. Check project include: the ratio difference, phase difference, delay, polarity. At the same time small signal input terminals, electronic transformer small signal output part as well as the merger of the small-signal input unit check.
  Main functions:
1. Using the traditional transformer calibrating device (BHE type) and Agilent 3458A Digital Multimeter value transfer.
2. Use the built-in GPS or high stability the crystal output pulse synchronization signal.
3. IEC61850 (-9-1, -9-2,-9-2LE) protocol packets full frame resolution automatic analysis ASDU data,Sampling points, all channel waveform diagram, no need to get caught you can visually view all channel data.
4. ST / SC dual fiber Ethernet interfaces and dual RJ45 Ethernet interface, improve reliability, and convenient access interface electronic transformer.
5. order quasi-synchronization algorithm makes non-synchronous sampling algorithm error is
approaching zero.
6. 24Bit AD chip and 512 times oversampling technique, greatly expand the bandwidth to improve the accuracy.
7 multi-gear automatic switching and FIR filter to improve the dynamic range and reduce the signal-to-noise ratio.
8. Real-time display of the waveform, frequency, amplitude, phase, and other data to facilitate
comprehensive analysis of transformer performance.
9. with IPC, 800 * 600 touch screen. More convenient operation.
10. with a powerful, easy operating software can be run on industrial computer or laptop
11. Statistical ratio difference and phase difference between the mean, worse, extrema, multiple error data, a comprehensive test of the stability and linearity of the electronic transformer.
12. Multiple harmonics analysis and electronic transformer harmonic accuracy check.
13. throughout the testing process. Recording and playback.
14. drop-frame test, real-time statistics of dropped frames.
  The main technical indicators:
1. Accuracy grade: 0.05 (worse than the error: ≤ 0.02%, a difference of error: ≤ 0.02 °
(ie: angle difference <2 ')).
Built-in standards conversion devices: the accurate precision level of 0.05% level, 0.02% level, the 0.01% level.
Precision level in accordance with the standard transformer transformers and school may be chosen to match the corresponding adjustment conversion device to test parity.
Parity level: 5,3,1,0.5,0.2,0.1,0.5 S, 0.2S;
2. Communicate protocols and Statute: IEC61850-9-1/IEC61850-9-2/IEC61850-9-2LE have been add.
3. The input range of the standard signal input range:
1) Rated voltage: 100V and 100 / √ 3V, 100/3V.
2) Rated current input range: 1A, 5A.
3) small signal input range 150mV, 200mV, 225mV, 4V, 1.625V , 1V, 2V, 3.25V, 4V, 6.5V.
4) Analog Input: the signal types 100V and 1A/5A.
The digital Input: ST type fiber optic connectors, 62.5/125 multimode fiber interface.
4. Accuracy measurement range:
Voltage (V): 5% -120% Un (rms 0.05% RD Un = 100 / √ 3V or 100V)
Current (A): 1% -120% In (RMS 0.05% RD In = 1A and 5A)
Signal input: 1V above range: 1% -120% Un 0.05S level (for check metering transformer)
Range 1V following: 100% to 2000% Un 0.05% level (for inspection protection transformer )
5. The harmonic test accuracy: worse than 0.1% Uh, or 0.1% Ih angle difference: 10 points
6. AD sampling precision: better than 0.01% measure uncertainty in the magnitude of rated range.
7. Small signal output (optional, additional charge function)
Output voltage: 0 ~ 7V
Output harmonic: 2 to 40 times
The output accuracy: 0.05 to 5V 0.05%
RD harmonic accuracy: 0.05%.
8. Input circuit power consumption
Input voltage circuit power consumption <0.2VA (100V, 57.7V)
Input current loop power consumption <1VA (5A)
Input current loop power consumption <0.2VA (1A)
9. Ethernet interface
SC fiber interface: 1 (multitude mode fiber wavelength 820nm to 860nm)
ST fiber interface: 1 (multitude mode fiber wavelength 820nm to 860nm)
RJ45 interface 2
The optical signal has a wavelength of 820nm ~ 860nm, the optical fiber with 62.5/125 multimode glass fiber interface.
10. Synchronous
Light B code synchronization input (second pulse and B code can be configured) one
Light the code synchronization output B (second pulse and B code can configure) one
A synchronization input electric, electric synchronous output one
11. Human Interface
Display: TFT LCD Resolution 800 * 600
Operation: touch-screen operation, IPC USB port, you can connect a USB mouse and keyboard.
12. Whole weight ≤ 12.8kg.
13. Power supply voltage 220V ± 10%, 50/60Hz.
14. Outside air temperature (-15 ℃ ~ 55 ℃).
15. Maximum relative humidity: <90%.
  Device functions and software features:
The schematic diagram of the the electronic transformer digital output check system block diagram shown in Figure 1 digital output checksum as follow:

  The schematic diagram of the the electronic transformer analog output check test block diagram in Figure 2 is analog output checksum.  
  The electronic transformer digital output calibration system software development interface is shown in Figure 3, its software features and operating instructions are described as below:  
  The electronic transformer analog output calibration system software development interface is shown in Figure 4, the software features and instructions with digital output calibration system similar set is relatively simple. Test, the analog signal is inserted through the panel on three core flight UxA connected to the transformer was measured by the school.  
  The Electronic transformer analog output calibration system calibration system software is divided into three functional interface, error test parameter settings, communication settings. The electronic transformer calibrator software using labview development, the interface is simple and easy to use, designed to minimize the user needs to set the link. Almost no general set of parameters. This user-friendly to improve efficiency in field calibration.

The electronic transformer analog output calibration system calibration system software to meet the real-time display conventional electrical parameters of the school measured the ratio of the transformer differential and angle, as well as the grid system, standard transformer and measured by school transformer output real-time data and waveforms, and has a fully automated measurement, recording and automatic storage function, waveform and data storage format can be selected in accordance with their own work habits and preferences of a variety of ways to be saved.

The calibration system either completed the calibration of electronic current transformers can also complete electronic voltage transformer checksum. Analog electronic transformer calibration system block diagram shown in Figure 2, the system is divided into the current standard channel, voltage standard channel, the measured current channel, voltage measured channel calibrator data processing platform. The current standard channels by the up-flow, standard current transformer, standard converter. Current measured channels by the up-flow, composed of school transformer. Calibrator through the collector obtain the standards current sensor and the current sensor to be calibrated electrical parameters and electrical parameters in a standard format to upload to the computer, computer data processing platform than dealing with the same time the two signals, calculated the school current sensor error, display and record the measurement results. Voltage standard channel booster, standard voltage transformers, converter standard. The voltage measured channel booster, composed of school transformer. The working principle is the same as the current calibration system.

Based virtual instruments, electronic transformer analog and digital output than the poor, the online measurement of the difference between the measurement, recording, and electronic transformers. For the majority of power test, measurement, construction units to provide a mobile electronic transformer calibrating device.

● flexible configuration and can be configured depending on the needs / electronic current transformer calibrator / electronic voltage transformer check;
● calculate school transformers with standard transformer current / voltage rms than the difference, a difference;
● display the current conductor of current, voltage, frequency and other relevant information to facilitate a comprehensive assessment of school parameters;
● display the a school transformer output real-time waveform, and related settings, and automatically save the calibration data, generate reports;
● flexibility to configure the test parameters, test range, the number of tests, the number of samples, and other related information.
● high accuracy and reliability. The accuracy level of 0.05, can be used to compare and check the 0.2S level electronic current transformers and 0.2 electronic voltage transformer.
● synchronized, ensure that the data collected by the school transformer and standard transformer stringent timing synchronization, reliability, practicality greatly improved using high-precision interpolation.
Quality requirements: (supply-side responsible for the quality and duration):
warranty period is 24 months, during this period the quality of "three guarantees", and all life-long maintenance. Tracking service the customer purchased the product's use, and provide 24-hour service and response. Without installation and commissioning of the above equipment, in accordance with users' instruction books, can use it directly. The fees including domestic delivery to the designated port freight.


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